Employment Law

Employment Law

A number of issues that we see in employment law disputes tend to be the result of miscommunication between members of staff and management, unawareness of requirements under the Fair Work legislative framework or contractual obligations, and not adhering to, or lack of, internal workplace policies when dealing with complaints or under-performance issues.

We strongly believe that disputes in the workplace can be more or less avoided when proper advice is given before a dispute arises. When the relationship between the employee and employer has broken down, it is often difficult to find a resolution that will satisfy either of the parties involved.

Accordingly, if you or someone you know is experiencing some issues in the workplace or about to start a new job where there is ambiguity as to the obligations required under an employment contract, please contact our Employment Law team who would be happy to assist.

We can advise you on:
Employment Contracts
Unfair Dismissal
Unlawful Termination

Know where you stand

Questions? Ask our Employment Law team.

Rod Veith
Disputes & Litigation
Phillip Liberatore
Senior Lawyer
Disputes & Litigation
03 9870 9870